Compact mobile drinking water treatment unit
Water source:
Treated water:
Turbidity range:
Surface water, rivers, lakes or shallow wells
By request
Fully/Semi-Automatic/Manual Safe drinking water, WHO standard High TurbidityMain Features
ODIS WaterPoint® systems are designed to produce the highest quality drinking water from rivers, lakes, surface water, high turbid water, and shallow well water. ODIS water point solution allows our customers to perfectly suit the system to their needs. The system can be modular and portable, mounted on skids (water point-S), trailer (water point-T), containerized (water point-C) or for emergency use (Water point-E). WaterPoint® is designed for difficult field solutions, requiring minimal on-site assembly and installation work. It is built for immediate operation for the benefit of our clients. The systems comply with the world health organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water quality. WaterPoint® offers our clients the complete water treatment solution best suited for their needs.The systems can be supplied as
Emergency unit: Waterpoint-E®
Skid mounted: WaterPoint-S®
Trailer mounted: WaterPoint-T®
Containerized: WaterPoint-C®
Main Components of WaterPoint® System
Water Intake Strainer
Filtration Pump
Coagulation Unit
Rapid Sedimentation Unit
Fine Filtration by Multi-Media Double
Chamber Filters
Disinfection Unit
Control Board
Additional Items:
+ Granular Activated Carbon Filters
+ Coarse Filtration Gravel Filters
+ Water Intake Unit
+ Onsite Chlorine Generator
Treated water distribution system:
+ Collapsible covered storage tank
+ Tap stands consist of 6 water taps